

Yes, it's bourbon and pearls...

Yes, it’s bourbon and pearls…

Several months ago, Miss Tabitha at Bourbon & Pearls took what many thought at the time, including maybe herself, was a permanent break from writing.  My plan then was to publish a tribute, a requiem if you will, to all that was goodness and light in her writings.  Of course, life on the farm, and well, you know, the putting off of this and that, meant that I did not come up with my grand tribute, my grand obituary.  Now, the fabulous Miss Tabitha is back, as they say, better than ever, and, quite simply, I just want to celebrate Bourbon & Pearls.  If you have not read her work, go and spend some time on her site.  Miss Tabitha has a keen eye, and an even keener wit.  She actually does post and, in doing so, the world is just this much of a better place.